This section shows the portfolio of my artistic creations suddivided in 5 categories:

Abstracts paintings and landscapes.
The pictorial techniques are watecolor, oil, pastel speciali on paper.

Of real people and immaginari ones.
The techniques are watercolor, colored pencils, markers, charcoal on paper.

Studies of flowers composition.
The techniques are watercolor and oil pastel on paper, oil on canvas.

The interest in books has induced painting on notebooks.
This jotter went along with me for about a year. All paintings were made with watercolor.

Pictures and drawings made with pencils,
markers, dry pastels, watercolor on paper.


This section shows the portfolio
of my artistic creations suddivided
in 5 categories:

Abstract paintings and landscapes. The pictorial techniques I have used are watercolor, oil, pastel specially on paper.

Of real people and immaginary ones. The techniques are watercolor, colored pencils, markers, charcoal on paper.

Studies of immaginary flowers compositions. The techniques are watercolor and oil pastel on paper, oil on canvas.

The interest in books induced painting in notebooks. This small jotter went along with me for about a year. All paintings were made with watercolor.

Pictures and drawings made with pencils, markers, dry pastels, watercolor on paper.